Spring is a time for renewal.
That's exactly what we did last Saturday.
My friend, Amy, and I made a trek downstate to get not one,
but 3 dogs, to add to our kennel.
Ice ~ great granddaughter of this guy...
And two male Alaskans, who were nothing short of perfect gentlemen.
Amazing race history backgrounds, and good solid well-behaved dogs ~
which are perfect for our tour business and for our kennel.
Broccoli, (L) who is the size of a small horse.
And, Piston, (R)
Between the 3 dogs, and a cooler jam-packed with culinary goodies prepared by Amy,
not to mention fresh Amish baked goods stuffed under the seat,
you would think the fun would stop there.
It didn't.
We added in a little fella, who was just weaned from his Mama at 8 weeks of age.
Levi, our new Boer goat buckling.
Was there curiosity?
There was even a little licking of the lips...in a longing fashion.
But once the prey drive settled down, we got into over drive and got our precious cargo home,
Then the real fun began.
Until tomorrow ~ God willing,