Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring

Today is the first day of spring.  

So hard to believe, with the temps being in the 80's this past week...

I'm not one to enjoy the heat, but I'm faring well.

My mind is on getting ready for summer.  

And the next season of livestock.

And sheep.

And our upcoming CCW {click here...  (Carry A Concealed Weapon) }
class with brother,
Mike Slomkowski.
Hope to see you there...

And more horse training...

And trips to visit the Amish.

Their auctions...

And their way of life.

So many adventures await.

And Zip and I are ready to explore.

enjoy the quiet pace that only summer can bring.

Blessings to everyone, as you get ready for the next season of your life.

Until tomorrow, dear friends.  God willing...



Michelle said...

It looks like you have many wonderful adventures awaiting you. I have been enjoying our warm temps as well, though it seems strange that it feels like summer.

Sherry Sutherby http://russ-stickacres.blogspot.com/ said...

Thanks Michelle from Small Town Life. :~) I agree...hardly seems possible winter is over. BTW, I absolutely love the color of your bee hives! :~)

Misty Pines Homestead said...

Have either of you seen last of the Dogmen?With barbara hershey and Tom Baringer?There are some similiar words here lol.

Sherry Sutherby http://russ-stickacres.blogspot.com/ said...

You guessed it Ann Night Flyer! Yes, Zip, our dog, AND our horse was named from the movie. Good eye! And welcome!!