Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Me too...
for winter...

However, it will come soon enough.

I don't want to skip my favorite season...


Until then, we will continue to enjoy what each day brings.

The good...

And the bad...

Speaking of anxious...
If you are not familiar with what is happening with our skies, please watch this...
it's a "must see" for all.  

Until next time, dear friends.  
Lord willing.
(And know He is sovereign...)



www.FarmLifeLessons.blogspot.com said...

Very interesting!


Sherry Sutherby http://russ-stickacres.blogspot.com/ said...

Sad, but true... But it's better to be informed, than have our head in the sand.

Amy said...

how can we tell the difference between a chemtrail and just a big plane trail?

Sherry Sutherby http://russ-stickacres.blogspot.com/ said...

Good question Amy, and one many folks ask. This little video will show you. (The answer is...contrails dissipate quickly and chemtrails linger and widen and smear, many days covering the sky in a bright haze.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT5iv0jBXyo