Friday, August 26, 2011

From A to B - it's all I need

 Someday, hopefully soon, I'll have my small horse and cart in action.

I can't wait to feel the wind in my hair...

God willing.


Rain said...

Beautiful photos-simply says contentment! Even though you know shes a hard working woman-can still be peaceful and content. Here's hoping for your dream come true also!

Sue said...

We've lived here for almost 4 years now, and I never tire of seeing the Amish out and about. We so admire their lifestyle and the simple peace and quiet they enjoy.
Nice photos, Sherry.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Mumsie said...

Slightly covetous..;o) but truly happy for you and Russ as your lives move in divine direction! Blessings!

Dreaming said...

I echo Sue's comment. The Amish fascinate me. Perhaps it is a desire to simplify life - like Thoreau at Walden Pond: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I also hope your wishes and dreams come true...Do you think that the Amish lady knows what she's missing by not having her hair whipped by the wind? Just a thought....

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures!! I can't imagine going to store in a horse and cart, very neat :)