Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Do You See What I See

Until tomorrow dear friends, God willing.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Equine and Canine

Zip isn't allowed in with our horses, for obvious reasons.

 But most of all, because she would rather work than play.

However, here's a dog, Lucy, who has a unique relationship with a stallion.

NOTE:  Not our video folks...just found it on YouTube.

Take a will make your day go better.  Guaranteed to bring a smile.

Notice the dog starts out standing in the water container. 

Please turn off the soothing music to your right, so you can hear the nuances of this film.

Perhaps next time the ball is in play, we'll let Zip join in...

Until tomorrow dear friends, God willing.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mayflower Memories

I'm thinking of my relatives this Thanksgiving season.

My grandparents (great x 12).

No wonder I have that adventurous spirit...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  

We hope you have a wonderful day, with many blessings, and lots of good food.  

And a big Thank You to my Aunt Gayle

for tracking down our ancestry.

(Aunt Gayle has an even more adventurous spirit than I's in our DNA...)

Until tomorrow, God willing (from whom all blessings flow...)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - The little Woodsman turned 4

Grandson, David, the little Woodsman. 

Until tomorrow dear friends, God willing.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

These Tears I've Wept

Jesus wept.
John 11:35

A year ago, I didn't know Terri.

I didn't know her son, Trent.

I didn't know she lived on a critter-laden farm,  
in northwest Wisconsin, 
with her five children, 
and hard-working cheesemaker husband, Rob.

I didn't know that on February 18th of 2011, her life would change forever.

And so would mine...

As a mother, reading Terri's account of Trent's accident, I cringed...and cried.

It was hard to realize that even with all the protection we give our children, bottom line...

...they are in God's all-knowing, all-loving hands.

We can show them how to make their way in the world.

We can always have them by our side.

But we can't control when they will leave this world.

When God will call them home.

We may never see them mature into adults.

And for this fact, I wept.

But I'm not weeping for Trent, I'm weeping for those left behind.

For Trent is seated with Jesus in heavenly places.   

We know this how?

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
John 6:47

Young Trent believed in God.

Terri wrote this passage just days after Trent's passing:

On Friday February 18, 2011, 
we said goodbye to our son as he left for a skiing trip with his friends. 
God says he knows the number of our days, 
that He has created each one, 
and that He will do what He pleases. 
Trent struggled with his own sinfulness before God for most of his life. 
He knew that he was not right before God, 
and nothing he could do would ever make up for the sins he committed 
to make him worthy to enter heaven. 
In the summer of 2010 God graciously chose to bring salvation to Trent through repentance 
and the saving grace of Christ Jesus. 
Trent's life was transformed and we enjoyed the young fruit in his life as we watched God work. 

What about you dear readers?

Do you have sons, daughters, grandchildren, foster children, neighbor kids,
who don't know Jesus?

If they were to have their life extinguished,
or if Jesus returned,
where would they spend eternity?

Would you be able to say what Terri said upon Trent's death?

"It is with great rejoicing that we release our son, 
age 12, 
to our Heavenly Father. 

Dance before your King my son."

If you wonder where the depth of that faith is rooted, please follow the story.

Terri's story.

How My Savior Leads Me.

It will truly change your life, and possibly your life's path, as it did for me.

You can go here:  How My Savior Leads Me  (Click on title)
It is a walk of faith and reassurance.

And pain.

For who wouldn't mourn the loss of such a special young man.

Trent Stellrecht

brother to Alexis, Cole, Grace and Micah
Son of amazing Godly parents,
Terri and Rob

Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their journey through life,
knowing one day they will be reunited with Trent,
and also be seated in heavenly places.

Ephesians 2:6
"And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms
in Christ Jesus..."

Until tomorrow dear friends, God willing.

Friday, November 18, 2011

On the Road to the Amish

I had to postpone my trip yesterday due to a winter storm warning here in the Mitten state.
Today is much better.

I'll write more upon my return.

Until then dear friends, God willing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Day Belongs to Him



No, not Russ.
Although he comes in 2nd...


Dropping out of the work world is an interesting endeavor.

You go from fast-paced mach five with your hair on fire...with heavy burdens... planning your own day.

When I "retired" last December 31st, we began our 1/3 Living.

At that time, I had no idea how close I would grow to Jesus.

I thought I already was living a "Christian" life.   
Not so...for I didn't trust Him with my day.

I was still in control.
And Jesus...was in the shadows.

Now, I turn each day over to the Lord.  

Some days are full of adventure. 

Some quiet and reflective.

But they are His.

100% HIS.

I love where He leads me.

Lately, it's been weekly visits to the Amish communities in Michigan.
Last Saturday, I attended an Amish auction.

It was held at the home of an Amish family,
who were leaving their farm,
and moving to Kentucky.

More on this Amish auction later...I promise...

I also picked up a truckload of meat scraps, 
while in the Amish community,
for our sled dogs.  
I've been making the trip to do so about twice a week, for the past few weeks.
 Venison, beef, lamb, pork, and sometimes even moose and bear from other sources.
Our dogs appreciate the gesture, and tell us so, with their nightly 
Thank You Howl.

23 sled dogs howling their own special tune.

In addition to picking up meat for the sled dogs this past Saturday, I picked up 1/2 a beef.

For us.

It was from our Dexter steer, Sizzler, who was born here almost two years ago.

We loved our cows, but felt we should sell the herd last fall.

It was a blessing, as soon after, I heard the news about my pending retirement.

When we sold our Dexters, one little calf was left out of the deal,
who was still on his Mama, Dixie.

He went with the herd, to be raised by farmers, Carl and Kathy.  
We worked out a deal where we would get 1/2 of the meat
once he was old enough to be taken to market.  
Saturday, this plan came to fruition,
and I drove home with burger and steaks (and more) from Ebels General Store 
with a smile on my face and a grumbling stomach,
knowing some delicious meals were in store for us.

Meat for the dogs.  Meat for us.

I spent Sunday picking up 20 more hens. 
Last week it was Buff O's.  (20)
This week it is R.I. Reds, and New Hampshire Reds.  (20)
All 1 1/2 years of age.
40 chickens!

Free, I might add.

In fact, the last 50 chickens we have added to our farm since summer, have been free.

Thank you Craigslist.  Thank you God!
And then to top off my Sunday,
I stopped, chickens in tow, at my "parallel friend"
Ellen's homestead.

 We sat out in the coolness of the November day,
Ellen with coffee in hand,
me with my icy Coke
(always offered upon my arrival),
discussing the upcoming deer season,
seasons of the sled dogs ~ past and future,
future garden seasons,
and the season of our lives...
and what we can expect beyond this lifetime.
Quiet, serene. 
Both of us knowing it doesn't get any better than this moment.

Later in the afternoon, upon driving home, I realized.

I'm no different than my little chicks I adore.

They never leave their mother's side.
They rely on her for everything.
All day, every day.
They don't turn to other animals for comfort.

For they know their true savior.

Just as I know mine.

"Though you have not seen him, you love him. 
Though you do not now see him, 
you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, 
obtaining the outcome of your faith, 
the salvation of your souls."
1 Peter 1:8-9

Until tomorrow dear friends, God willing.