Thursday, March 3, 2011

Going Deeper into the Woods - 1/3 Living

I feel like it's been coming for a while now, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

The need to quiet my life.

Some may think it is quiet enough already, as I rarely have any desire to leave our "40".

In addition, we have no TV to spoon feed our thoughts. 
Radio, set to our local Christian station, is utilized, albeit selectively.

So what does that leave, you say? 
It's the delicate balance of using the Internet.

Until we had our first on-site event in 2008, we did not have Internet on our property.  I always said we never would.  I didn't want it on location to distract me.  I would travel to libraries in a five-county area.  However, once we realized we needed the Internet to communicate for our business, we broke down and made the change.  The library wasn't the answer any longer...we had a computer on site.  In my Wee House.

But now...I'm struggling. 

The problem is, I love the worlds it takes me to. 
My very first computer, in the late 1990's was so I could see the Iditarod unfold. 
It's always been a wonderful journey for me,
to follow the race and the lives of those running. 
But now, at least this year, I will be cutting back. 
Stepping back. 
The reality is, it takes me away from my own life, my own dogs,
and all the joys of our homestead we have struggled to achieve over the years.

There is so much to do at our place,
and I need every spare minute I have to make it work -
to be a helpmate to my hard-working husband.

Spring is a good time to make the change. 
All things new. 
And so much to accomplish and enjoy.
Such as...

Decisions and planning.

Mustang training.

New piglets.


Storing up for next winter.

Trail work.

And just time with our beloved animals.

So, if you don't see me "in the land of all things Internet", find me here. 
I would love to hear from you...
Truth known, I'm always ready to sit a spell and have a chat.

Dear Lord - Thank you for the people you have put into my life. 
I treasure each and every one like the Lily of the Valley. 
Please give me wisdom to be there for them, as they are for me. 
As you are for me Lord. 
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Until tomorrow, God willing.

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